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Appropriate Channels of Communication

If you have information you would like to share with the Board, there are several ways to communicate with the Board of Trustees.

  • By Letter – A citizen can send a letter to the TISD Board of Trustees, 2770 FM 163, Cleveland, Texas 77327.
  • By Fax – A citizen can fax the Board members at 282-592-3969.
  • Formal Complaints/Grievances - The Board encourages students and parents to discuss their concerns with the appropriate teacher, principal or other campus administrator who has the authority to address the concerns. Concerns should be expressed as soon as possible to allow early resolution at the lowest possible administrative level. An individual may initiate the formal process by timely filing a written complaint form.

The formal complaint process is detailed in the following MISD Board Policies:

Each complaint/grievance policy allows for a hearing with the Board at Level 3.

Note: To have something on the agenda for the Board to deliberate and take action on, a Board member or the Superintendent must place it on the agenda.

  • By Email – If you would like to email the board and/or the superintendent directly, please use the information listed below.

Board of Trustee Email Addresses
Place 1 - Paige Bostwick -
Place 2 - Susan Rollins -
Place 3 - Kevin Johnson -
Place 4 -  Dwayne Stovall -
Place 5 - Pete Vandver -
Place 6 - Cory Anderson -
Place 7 - Lane Gulledge -
Superintendent - Dr. Elna Davis -