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Child Nutrition

Department Focus

The Tarkington ISD Child Nutrition Department's goal is to learn and grow as a team through ongoing training so that our students can build healthy brains and bodies by working together.


The Tarkington ISD Child Nutrition Department will provide fresh and healthy food, a strong focus on nutrition, and unmatched customer service for students and the community.

Nutrition Policy

Staff Lunch

Starting in the 2024-2025 school year TISD staff members will be offered the option to have funds deducted from their payroll check each month and directly deposited to the meal account balance or set up a school café account and deposit funds electronically to their account.   Prepayment or payment at point of sale will be required to purchase meals.  If you choose to opt in please complete the form and return it to the Child Nutrition Department

Staff Payroll Deduction Form

Department Administration

Kristy Fruia
Child Nutrition & Custodial Supervisor

281-592-8781, ext. 1219

Crystal Moore
Administrative Assistant
281-592-8781, ext. 1169