Future Forward
The Tarkington ISD Future Forward Committee was formed in March of 2023 to develop a five-year strategic plan to include mission, core values, and priority guiding statements, and to plan for the future of TISD. The committee consists of TISD faculty, staff and administrators, parents and students, community members and business owners.
August 15, 2024, 5:45pm at THS Commons
Presentation slides from the meeting may be accessed with the link "Financial Survey and Bond Project Info Slides." Please note that the information on the slides from the meeting pertaining to property tax are projected amounts, and the proposed projects were based on initial discussions from previous future forward meetings. These slides are drafts the Board of Trustees used to derive the current bond from.
Fall of 2023-2024
In September of 2023, we invited all previous Future Forward Committee members, TISD families, employees and community members to join us as we began our next set of meetings. Everyone who signed up was invited to attend.
During these meetings, we held discussions, reviewed facilities studies, growth expectations, and more to develop a plan for the future of TISD.
Spring of 2022-2023
We held three Future Forward meetings in April and May of 2023 to work on the Mission, Core Values, and Priority Guiding Statements that will lead TISD through the next five years.
Future Forward Agenda - May 16, 2023
Future Forward Agenda - April 24, 2023
Future Forward Agenda - April 3, 2023
During these meetings, committee members worked together to draft our TISD Mission Statement, Core Values and Priority Guiding Statements, including input from all stakeholders through surveys sent to employees, families and the community. The Tarkington ISD Board of Trustees voted to adopt the final draft at its regular meeting on June 12, 2023.