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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is a Bond? 
A. Watch This Video

Q. Where do we go to early vote?
A. For a list of voting locations and times, click this link: > Voting Locations & Times.

Q. On your Agricultural Land Information page your example says that for 50 acres valued at $140/acre, there would be an increase of $7.16 a year. Is that $7.16 per single acre or per 50 acres?
A. That is for the full 50 acres. The tax bill calculation at the current rate is 50 * $140 / 100 * $0.9302 = $65.11. The tax bill calculation at the proposed rate would be 50 * $140 / 100 * $1.0325 = $72.28.

Q. Is there a contract on the land for the new elementary school? How much land is being purchased? What is the estimated price to be paid? What is the current taxed value it would remove from the district?
A. At its meeting on April 15, 2024, the Tarkington ISD Board of Trustees approved the purchase of approximately 50 acres of real property located in Liberty County, Texas for a future campus or other district facilities, and delegated authority to the Superintendent or her designee to negotiate, finalize, and execute all documents related to the purchase.  At this time, the purchase and sale agreement for the property is still under negotiations.  Once the purchase and sale agreement is finalized and executed, it will become a public record.  The property holds one or more tax exemptions; consequently, the District has received less than $100 each year in taxes for the property under consideration for potential purchase.

Q. How many years will we be required to pay the additional tax money on the bond until it is expected to be paid off?
A. The bond is projected as a 30-year bond. An increase in property values in subsequent years could provide the District with prepayment opportunities, and/or a reduction in interest rates could provide potential refunding (refinancing) opportunities; both of which could generate interest savings and shorten the terms of the debt.

Q. When can a school district have a bond election?
A. In accordance with Texas law, school districts are restricted to scheduling bond elections on the uniform election dates in May and November of each year, with the deadline for the Board of Trustees to adopt an order no later than the 78th day before Election Day. On August 19, 2024, Tarkington ISD’s Board voted to hold a $80 million bond election. 

Q. What happens to excess bonds (dollars) that the district does not have to issue to complete bond projects identified and presented to the community?
A. The Bond Election would permit the District’s Board of Trustees to authorize issuing $80 million in bonds. The Board is permitted, but is not required, to issue all of those bonds. The Bond Election does not automatically mean that the District has incurred debt, so in the event that less than all of the bonds are issued, the District would only be obligated to repay the bonds that are actually issued.

Once bonds are issued and the bond funds are on hand, the Board may only use those bond funds 1) for purposes listed on the ballot and approved by the voters or 2) to repay the bonds.


Q. Has Tarkington purchased land yet?
A. No; land has not yet been purchased.  The District has inquired with several Tarkington landowners who have large plots of land in locations of interest for future development within the Tarkington ISD attendance zone.  The District is further discussing and negotiating a potential land purchase. The District will ultimately pursue the option that the District’s Board of Trustees determines bests meets the needs of the District.  If a purchase agreement is successfully negotiated, the Board of Trustees will consider approval of the purchase at a publicly posted open meeting.

Q. Will a third party security evaluation be done for the security upgrades? Will their highest concerns be a priority of the upgrades?
A. A third party security evaluation has already been required and completed by ESC Reg. 4, which is how we arrived at our security priorities. The upgrades are a result of Region 4's evaluation. 

Q. How many contractor's bids will be considered?
A. The District will go through a competitive process to obtain bids/proposals in accordance with Texas law after the proposed bonds are issued. The District will consider all qualified bids/proposals that are submitted to it and welcomes all interested parties to participate in that procurement process. The District will provide more information on that process once it has bond funds available for the proposed projects.

Q. Where can I find details on the Bond proposal? I read the (press release) and the second document but there aren't any details, just vague references and that people over 65 need not worry. BUT what about HOW $80 million will be spent. I'm for the bond but still would like details.
A. Details on the Proposed Bond Projects are on the district website at > Proposed Bond Projects.

Q. Where can we find an itemized cost/spend per project?
A. 1. Details on the Proposed Bond Projects are on the district website at > Proposed Bond Projects.

Q. How did the district arrive at the bond amount?
A. 110-member Future Forward Committee met over the course of six months to review and discuss potential bond projects. The Committee consisted of parents, community members, district staff, senior citizens, and business/community leaders. Together, this group presented proposals to TISD Trustees. After careful review and deliberation, Trustees voted to approve a bond proposal in the amount of $80 million. The amounts are estimates only at this time and more specific/itemized estimates are not available. Full plans and specifications would be needed to confidently provide itemized amounts for each project.  It is not common for districts to have consultants prepare full plans and specifications prior to having a successful bond election, because districts typically cannot afford these costs unless and until they have bond funds available for payment. Even when they can afford these items, they don’t want to expend those funds unless they know that the bonds are approved and they can be put to use. Districts also have to comply with competitive procurement requirements that essentially prohibit obtaining bids before they’ve issued bonds, so school districts can rarely, if ever, provide exact amounts at this phase of the process..

Q. I heard a rumor that part of the project was to build a new administration building.   I did not see this on the list and wanted to know if this was included or not?  
A. Building a new administration building is not one of the proposed bond projects.


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